List of people on stamps of Papua New Guinea

The first part of this list is for the stamps of Papua New Guinea issued under that name. The stamps of the precursor entities are treated further below.


Papua New Guinea, 1901-

German New Guinea, 1897-1919

No persons were featured on the stamps of German New Guinea.

Netherlands New Guinea, 1950-1962

New Britain 1914-1915

It previously used the stamps of German New Guinea, and is now a part of Papua New Guinea.
No persons were featured on the stamps of New Britain.

New Guinea, 1925-1939

Australian mandated territory that was formerly a German possession

North West Pacific Islands, 1915-1923

These were overprinted Australian stamps prepared in advance for the occupation of captured German territories (which were occupied by Japan) and were used mostly in New Britain, but also in Nauru.

Western New Guinea, 1962

Under United Nations trusteeship